Bitácora del Kapitán...
“In your arms I can still feel the way you
want me when you hold me,
I can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me,
I can stay right here forever in your arms…
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
In your heart, I can still hear a beat for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart, I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
In your eyes, I can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
The one who wouldn't put anything
else in the world above me
I can still see love for me in your eyes
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
I'm keeping you forever and for always
I'm in your arms”
want me when you hold me,
I can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me,
I can stay right here forever in your arms…
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
In your heart, I can still hear a beat for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart, I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
In your eyes, I can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
The one who wouldn't put anything
else in the world above me
I can still see love for me in your eyes
And there ain't no way, I'm letting you go now
And there ain't no way, and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together for all our days
Wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face… always
I'm keeping you forever and for always
I'm in your arms”
SHANIA TWAIN’S – forever and for always
Tiempo atrás, mucho tiempo... han pasado 8766 eventos cósmicos en los que nuestras miradas se cruzaron y se enamoraron antes que nuestros corazones...
En 288 ocasiones has visto que el calendario despida uno de sus integrantes para no volver a verle jamás... también me despedía de ti, esperanzado en volver a verte al día siguiente.
96 días estuve pensando en tenerte a mi lado y no dejarte ir, pues me di cuenta que estaba completa y absolutamente enamorado de ti.
1,248 veces has iniciado un ciclo y en algún momento tu cabeza y corazón han pensado “gracias a Dios ya va a terminar”.
210,384 han sido las razones por las cuales hemos suspirado sin darnos cuenta... cuando nos dimos cuenta que suspirábamos el uno por el otro, nuevos suspiros aparecieron esperando ser lanzados con un respiro de amor...
12,623,040 pensamientos diferentes han hecho fiesta en tu mente, festejando todos los besos que nos hemos dado, y que faltan millones mas por sentir... la misma cantidad de estrellas te observan desde el firmamento cuidando de ti.
757,382,400 miradas alegres has provocado, has tenido y han sido acompañadas de alegres pensamientos, amor, buena suerte y hermosa vibra para ti, sólo y nada mas por ti y para ti... El mismo número de veces (quizás mas) he pensado en que te amo!!!
Hoy, en mi vieja y empolvada bitácora, anoté que han pasado 24 años; 8,766 días; 96 estaciones; 288 meses; 1,248 semanas; 210,384 horas; 12,623,040 minutos; o 757,382,400 segundos, desde tu arribo a este mundo... (cualquier error, fue completa y absolutamente involuntario).
Feliz cumpleaños?? Nah... algo mas original te vendría mejor...
hermoso aniversario; precioso día de la Luna, enamorada del Dragón Azul...
me gusto, amigo dragon es bueno verlo, es bueno que sea parte de este mundo, pasaba para saludarlo y me llevo una excelente lectura.
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